16 August 2009

Thanks so much, SONY Malaysia!

Mr Allan Law, videocam trainer from Sony Malaysia

I thank Sony Malaysia and their videocam trainer, Mr Allan Law, for their invaluable help.

When Sony Malaysia invited me to their headquarters in Mid Valley City, I thought it was for a brief Q&A session on video recording. Little did I realize that they had arranged for me to meet their videocam trainer, Mr Allan Law.

I take my hat off to Allan. He’s knowledgeable and articulate. You ask him any questions on video recording and he answers with flair and clarity. He knows the videocam like the back of his hand. He demonstrates the art of video recording with admirable ease.

Allan answers all my questions to my great satisfaction. He readily shares his knowledge drawn from his personal experience. In particular, I appreciate his tricks of the trade.

Thanks again, Allan! Thanks, Sony Malaysia!

Allan Law surrounded by Sony equipment in the training room

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