23 September 2007

Thank My Lucky Stars for the Narrow Escape

Photo credit: www.nst.com.my

I drove up to the tollbooth, handed some money to the collector, got my change and drove through. I counted my change and found I was given an extra MYR 0.50.

Without any hesitation, I stopped my car, got off and walked towards the tollbooth to return the MYR 0.50.

Suddenly, something came crashing down right in front of my face. It's the tollbooth bar!

It missed my nose by a fraction of an inch. Somebody shouted in horror. The driver of the car approaching the tollbooth gasped in horror. I was frozen in horror.

Then, somebody came running and guided me to the side of the booth. If I had walked a little faster, the bar would have hit my head. If it were not my head, it would have been my nose. I could have ended up in hospital with a bloodied and battered nose.

I thank my lucky stars for the narrow escape. 

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